
What's on at the farm

Every Friday 9:30am - 12pm


Join us every Friday with the Randwick sustainability team for a work session to help us plant, weed and compost. 

SUN 14 July 1:30pm - 4:00pm

Young Adult Picnic 

Join Adamama to learn how to plant your own herb garden and repurpose wastepaper to create beautiful and functional seed paper cards. 

MON 10 June 4pm                

Fruit Drying Workshop                               

Learn the art of food preservation from Adamama to dry fruits and vegetables at home. All ingredients and equipment provided. 

SUN 28 July 10:30am - 1:00pm

Wild Edible Foraging Workshop

Join wild food expert Diego Bonetto for a stroll in the Randwick Sustainability Hub park and learn about the most common edible and medicinal plants surrounding us.

30 August - 1 September

Young Adult Retreat

Escape the hustle and bustle of city life and dive into a weekend of outdoor adventure, learning, and connection at the Adamama Young Adult Retreat. Whether you're seeking to reconnect with nature, deepen your Jewish identity, or simply relax and meet new friends, this retreat offers the perfect getaway for young adults aged 20-40.

SUN 10 March 1pm - 1:50pm at the Jewish Food Festival

Home Shtetling - how to propagate your own fruit and vegetables 

Learn how to propagate at home with scraps from the fridge. Led by Adamama Director Elik Rotenberg.

WED 10 April 6pm - 7pm

Sourdough Focaccia Workshop 

Learn to make your own sourdough focaccia with zero-waste decoration. Take home your focaccia and the yeast we can do is is give you the sourdough starter to take home too. Led by Adamama Director Elik Rotenberg.

 Dec 2023 - Dec 2024

Community Garden Project  

An initiative for young people aged 20-35 to grow food locally, learn the basics of organic gardening and be part of a thriving young Jewish community.

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